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You are about to read a special story problem, one I call a "mathematical fairy story" problem. You may find it a little hard at first, but that's okay. If a story problem is easy for you to do, then it really isn't a "problem" anymore, is it?"Piet Hein, a Danish mathematician, architect, poet, philosopher, is famous for his little short poems, called Grooks, that contain little bits of wisdom. My favorite one says:
Worthy of attack,
Prove their worth
By hitting back.
So if my problem below "hits back", then it has proved its worth.
nce upon a time there was a peripatetic philosopher, named Pieros Parios, who lived on his own little private island, called Utopia, just off the coast of Greece. The island was precisely pi kilometers from a prominent peninsula. But he had such a kind spirit and held no prejudice toward anyone, that the people who lived on this island often lovingly called him by the paternalistic appellation of "Papi Pieros". Being the philanthropic man that he was, he established a pair of schools, one private and the other public, for which he served as the principal. He also founded several pristine hospitals, and many other such institutions that provided for the needs of the island's plentiful inhabitants. However, there were no police or prisons on this island, because the population was so content and happiness reigned so completely that no one had any propensity to commit any act of impropriety.
Our story takes place in the middle school where Ms. Omega O is the math teacher. To bring a little diversion to her particular pedagogical style of instruction, she gives each pupil a new name at the start of each academic period. She first writes the students' names in alphabetical order on a piece of paper. Then the first student on the list is renamed "Alpha A". The second student becomes "Beta B". The third is "Gamma G", and so on, using the letters of the classical Greek alphabet. Everyone thinks it is quite a fun way to practice the Greek alphabet whose letters are so frequently used in higher level math books.
1. A + B is a square number.
2. (A - B) - G = 0.
If your wish to send in solutions to some or all of the questions posed above, we encourage it.
Here are my two main addresses: ttrotter@telesal.net or ttrotter3@yahoo.com.
The following day, after the pupils finished passing into the classroom and getting seated, who should enter but none other than Papi Parios himself! He often visited the classes in his schools, (partially to check up on his staff to see if they were promoting his particular philosophy – but he also enjoyed the experience of learning something new about math).
Paying no attention to his presence, Alpha and Beta raised their hands, requesting permission to speak. Ms. Omega turned to Alpha first, "Yes, Alpha, what's on your mind today?"
"Of course, you may. Come forward, girls."
Alpha took the chalk first, speaking as she wrote the numbers, "We have discovered something peculiar about the first three consecutive primes: 2, 3, and 5. If we multiply the larger pair, 3 x 5, we get 15. Now add 1 to obtain 16. Finally, we divide by the smallest prime, 2. And the answer, 8, is integral!' (Alpha always loved to show off by using fancy, high level terminology.)
"Very nicely explained, Alpha," said Ms. Omega. "But by the very basic principles of odd and even numbers, you can always expect that kind of result. Can you see why?"
"Yes," Alpha replied. "We already thought of that. Here is our formula as proof." Turning once again to the board, she wrote:
"Now that's impressive, indeed!" beamed Ms. Omega. From the back of the room, Papi Parios began applauding enthusiastically.
"Great work, girls. You certainly are to be complimented, don't we think so, everybody?" Principal Parios and the entire class, with one exception, nodded in agreement. Of course, that exception was Gamma, who had already gotten out his laptop computer, and was eagerly pressing his keyboard, entering data of some sort.
"But, alas, our pattern failed to work on the next set of three consecutive primes, namely, 5, 7, and 11," Beta continued, with an obvious look of disappointment on her face. "Anyway, we spied another small bit of number trivia hidden in our two successes. The results of adding 1 to the products always yielded square numbers, 16 and 36."
Sensing another "teachable moment" was at hand, Ms. Omega said to the whole class, "Perhaps if we were to take out our calculators, we could extend our search more efficiently and find another example of the pattern that Alpha and Beta have discovered for us. After all, it's the search that's important here, not the multiplication and division, right?"
Just then, Gamma began jumping up and down beside his desk, shouting excitedly, "Eureka! Eureka!" [That's Greek for "I found it!"] "I've found another case of the pattern!"
Some kids turned to him and asked, "What is it, Gamma? What is it?"
Turning off his laptop and closing the cover, he smugly said, "Find it yourself! I'm keeping it a secret. It's easy. At least, when you're as smart as I am."
Can you find Gamma's solution? It really is easy. But I must let you in on a little secret... He has been continuing his search for a 4th solution for quite some time, with no luck. So it looks like a 4th solution just might be hard after all.
"Well, Ms. O," she said (using her teacher's proper last name due to the fact that the principal was looking on), "after yesterday's inspiring lesson, Beta and I have been playing around with our own little puzzle, using three primes. May we show it to you on the chalkboard?"
odd x odd + 1 odd + 1 even
----------------- = ------------ = -------- = integer (Q.E.D.)
2 2 2
"But that's not all we discovered, Ms. O," interjected Beta, with obvious pride in her voice. "Our pattern works for the next set of three consecutive primes where all the numbers are odd." Without saying another word, she took the chalk from her companion and, stepping up to the board, wrote the following:
5 x 7 + 1 35 + 1 36
----------- = -------- = ---- = 12
3 3 3
WTM would like to recognize two friends who helped make this page extra special. First, thanks go to Panagiotis Stefanides of Athens, Greece, who suggested real Greek names that I could use for the owner of the island. Second, we thank G. L. Honaker, Jr., from Bristol, VA. He created the idea of the three consecutive primes puzzle that was used in the Epilogue section. Without their kind contributions, this fairy story problem would not be as nice as it is (IMHO).
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