Book Publishing

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Bücher, Veröffentlichungen und Übersetzungen

Tools for Creating Books

This collection contains tools which aid in the development of booklets and books.

Transcription Layout Tool

Support for the publishing of old, handwritten material:

  • Show the scanned image or photo of the handwritten page, and an editing window on the right side of the screen.
  • Do proper resizing and page numbering.
  • Produce an eBook (EPUB) as well as a PDF ready for printing.

Page Reordering

A booklet should be printed with 4 typeset A5 pages on one sheet of landscape A4 paper. Most home-office printers have no real duplex feature, but the booklet can be produced by the following process:

  • reorder the pages,
  • print the first half of double pages on the front side of the paper,
  • reverse the pile and re-insert it into the printer,
  • print the second half of double pages on the rear side of the paper,
  • fold the sheets in the middle.

The program will print the page numbers in the corresponding order. Real books are produced from big sheets containing 32 or even 64 pages. The pages are distributed over the sheet, sometimes upside-down, such that they appear in the right order when the sheet is folded und 3 sides are cut.

  • A program is desired which computes the layout of 16/32/64 pages, and which shows the folding process.

List of reserved ISBNs

punctum GmbH has bought a list of 100 ISBNs for books to be published.

ISBN Barcode Generator

There are several free online barcode generators, among them:


  • Titel und alle Seiten einscannen, (auf Windows) mit IrfanView beschneiden, ablegen als einzelne, 2- oder 3-stellig durchnummerierte Dateien <kuerzel>nn.jpg
  • Texte vorlesen mit einem Headset, (auf Windows/Mac/Linux) mit Audacity abspeichern als als einzelne, 2- oder 3-stellig durchnummerierte Dateien <kuerzel>nn.ogg im Ogg-Vorbis-Format
  • Videoschnitt mit dem freien, plattformübergreifenden Open-Source-Programm Shotcut, das das Layout in XML-Dateien *.mlt abspeichert und *.mp4 erzeugt. Das Programm läuft unter Linux wesentlich flüssiger als unter Windows.
  • Mit SoX (Sox Sound Exchange - the Swiss Army knife of sound processing programs) kann man die Metadaten der *.ogg-Dateien, vor allem die Abspieldauer, auslesen.

e-book Tools

  • Calibre allows users to manage e-book collections as well as to create, edit, and read e-books
  • Sigil, a free, open-source editing software for e-books in the EPUB format.

PDF Tools


Machine Translation