Installation Guide

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Java SDK

Apache Ant

  • Download a binary distribution (currently 1.9.7) from Apache and install it without modification.
  • Under Linux this may be achieved by
apt-get install ant

MySQL Server

  • Download and install a MySQL server. A compatible product like MariaDB may also be used.
  • Under Linux you may use
apt-get install mysql-server

SQL concatenation operator '||'

A lot of Dbat specifications use '||' as the SQL concatenation operator. See this question at how to add a MySQL configuration setting which enables this operator. For example, manually create an additional configuration file /etc/mysql../mysql.conf.d/ansi.cnf:

    root@dubhe:/etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d# cat ansi.cnf 

Apache Tomcat

  • Modify one line in (under Linux for example in /etc/tomcat8/conf/, under Windows in some path like C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\conf\):

Newer versions of Tomcat may not allow the quotes around the path names:


This entry directs Tomcat to use an additonal directory openlib which contains the JAR files to be shared between all subprojects. Its location is arbitrary, but the ant build.xml files contain the path mentioned above (without "c:" for Linux).

  • Under Linux, create symbolic links to the versioned Tomcat directories:
sudo ln -s /var/lib/tomcat8   tomcat
sudo ln -s /usr/share/tomcat8 tomcat
  • Make libraries writable by all users:
sudo chmod 777 /var/lib/tomcat/webapps
sudo mkdir     /var/lib/tomcat/openlib
sudo chmod 777 /var/lib/tomcat/openlib

Installation Test

Common is small and can be used for a first installation test.

mkdir -p work/gits
cd work/gits
git clone
cd common
ant fill.lib
ant clean javadoc deploy