Java Training Course/Java Language Keywords

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        boolean	Datatype  Filter1	
        break		switch    SelamatSwitch
        case		switch    SelamatSwitch
        catch		try       Filter1
        char		Datatype  Word3Cond1
        class		          HelloWord
        continue		  unpleasant
        default        switch    
        do		control          unpleasant
        double		Datatype  (PlayNim)
        else		if
        extends		  ?
        false		value     Ratio
        final		          ?
        finally	try       ?	
        float		Datatype
        for		control   PowersOf2For
        if		control   Selamat
        implements	          ?	
        import		          Filter1
        instanceof		  ?
        int		Datatype  IntAdd
        interface	          ?	
        length		array     Ratio
        long		Datatype  LongMultiply
        native		          -
        new		          PowersOf2Array
        null		value     Filter1
        package		  ?
        private		  ?
        protected		  ?
        public		          HelloWorld
        return		          Number10Method
        short		Datatype
        static		Ratio
        super		          ?
        switch		control   SelamatSwitch
        synchronized		  -
        this		          Rational
        threadsafe		  -
        throw		          ?
        throws		          ?
        transient		  -
        true		value     Filter1
        try		control   Filter1
        void		          FilterNumber
        while          control   PowersOf2